You old fart!
Well, we gathered some ideas for new blog posts. (and you can still share them under the previous post.)
sdit, i was originally liking your idea about dreams, but then realized that we did that before. you can check it out to see some of the ODD answers that were given.
BUT, we'll go with this one: share your craziest fart story. Here's mine:
[this is so embarrassing.] When i was a youngin', only in 4th grade, i was with my classmates in Music Class. the teacher had to step out for the momment, but told us to sit quietly. We were all seated cross-legged on the floor. All of a sudden, i farted. I couldnt keep it in. And it was one of those LOUD farts. i tried acting nonchallant. One of the guys [whom i had a huge crush on] said: "becky farted!" i tried pretending like it wasnt me, but to no avail.
... sigh. Ah well.
Now that i'm a mommy, i dont have to worry about farting in public. Because if its stinky and someone's nearby, i can just say: "oh erica! did you just dirty your diaper?" hahaha-- way to pass the blame!
My cat has a "flatus" problem! My sister tells me cat's farts smell like Cheetos! I dont have a sense of smell but does any pet owner here concur?
You can ALSO blame a fart on your cat! Kids eventually grow up to dispute you when you blame them...but unless cats learn to talk, they will always be a victim!
But, you have to look at it the other way too.... if a cat farts, and some people dont believe they can, THEY BLAME YOU!!!!
hahahahahaha! good stuff and good to know!
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