Thursday, February 09, 2006

Guilty as Charged

Dont you just hate it when you walk into a public restroom and the toilet you go to use is-- well, nasty? TP everywhere, pee everywhere, and a nice little "present" waiting for you. GROSS!

How can those people be so inconsiderate?

Well, what if YOU are the culprit? You eat at taco bell for lunch, and a half hour later, YOU NEED A BATHROOM! You race to the nearest public restroom, and unfortunately, you clog the toilet.

So-- what do you do?

[Just FYI: this does NOT come from personal experience!!! and abby-- if you use your 'administrative skills' to change it to THIS DOES COME from personal experience-- i'll kill you!!!]


At 11:47 AM, February 09, 2006, Blogger B* said...

For some reason I just can't get myself to #2 in a public restroom....
Even if with an upset stomach where it's life to death...i'd rather take death!!

At 12:02 PM, February 09, 2006, Blogger Tom said...

Ah, the bathroom surprise! When I was a punk kid I used to pee all over the toilet seats in public bathrooms. I would even poo on the floor. I was a menace. But what comes around goes around. I have entered many a bathroom since those days to find the same thing. If I clog da toilet, I bail like GG.

At 6:56 PM, February 09, 2006, Blogger Beth Danae said...

Hmm, don't know if I've clogged a public toilet before. I have however left a few little drops on the seat due to hunching over the toilet (and not wanting to actually put my cheeks on it) and so not quite getting it all in the bowl... (but I wipe it up) I just realized how gross of a post this is... Are you sure you wanted to know this?

Anyhoo, I am one of those picky people who will walk in and out of several stalls until I find one that isn't nasty. I ain't about to be trapped in a stall with a nasty toilet trying to flush someone else's crap down... not even at work..

At 7:27 PM, February 09, 2006, Blogger Abigail S. said...

If I clogged a public potty... I'd deny any involvement. "I swear officer, it wasn't me!"
here's a tougher ? though: What if you clogged the toilet at a friend's house? Would you own up? Or pretend it didn't happen? Hmmm... Something to ponder.

At 9:59 AM, February 10, 2006, Blogger Becky L said...

Here's a true story--

when i was a teenager, i worked at a kid's camp. One of my duties was to keep the "game room" clean-- which included the bathrooms.

Well, one not-so-fortunate day, it was my turn to clean the potties, and i found that the girls' potty was nasily clogged. So, i tried fixing it. I tried and tried, but to no avail. Discouraged (and grossed out), i left the bathroom--

-- and standing outside was some JERK guy. He thought i had clogged it, and started making fun of me.

i was so embarrassed! and he wouldnt believe me that it wasnt me.

--yeah, abby and i both didnt like this guy. he was quite a jerk. And wouldnt you know, a few years later when i met andrew, this other guy was one of his close friends!! grr..

At 10:18 PM, February 10, 2006, Blogger Becky L said...

-- actually, i really LIKED cleaning the shower, though for one reason: I KNEW IT WAS CLEAN! when someone else is supposed to clean it, WHO KNOWS if it actually is getting properly cleaned. and thats really gross!!!

At 10:00 PM, February 11, 2006, Blogger Agnes said...

My question: Why does Taco Bell have a laxative effect? (And it does!!!! Eat Taco Bell with Immodium only!)

At 12:58 AM, February 12, 2006, Blogger Abigail S. said...

In college, I had 2 friends who were, uh, unable to pooh... SO they went to Taco Bell.. by that night, the problem was fixed!


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