Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's A High Roller!

I think I need to get rid of that thing on my sidebar that tells how many people are currently checking out my site. It makes me depressed. Like, just now it said there were 8 people on my site. I was all excited! I was gonna get lots of comments... People love me!

Not one of them left a comment. How depressing. Excuse me while I go cry!


At 12:05 AM, December 19, 2005, Blogger Raj said...

There was a time when I used to feel bad abt not getting any comments but times change so dont feel bad. Plus you already get good enough no. of comments.

At 4:12 PM, December 19, 2005, Blogger Abigail S. said...

I'm really not upset by it. I am very happy with my little groupie. And hey! It's growing! So that's cool. It just puzzles me a little why people don't comment. I know I visit some blogs and I don't commentt, cuz I really don't know what to say... But with this blog- I'm asking a question!
It doesn't really make me sad. I don't go off and cry about it. It just kinda confuses me, that's all.

At 11:28 AM, December 20, 2005, Blogger EssentialStephen said...

I get a weekly report about visitors to my site...depresses me too so now I just don't even look at the email. Then again, maybe I need to actually post articles.

At 1:04 PM, December 30, 2005, Blogger Beth Danae said...

I think there is a disease called "comment leaving phobia" I know several people who read my blog regularly but don't leave comments. It's weird. But anyway, put it all in perspective, you probably get more comments on average than most other blogs.


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