Friday, December 09, 2005

Let's Get Serious!

No School!

I'm SO excited! I love snow. After I write this, I'm going back to sleep until noon! ... Then I have to clean my room.

Well... Driving home from work yesterday was a very eventful drive. I was stopped at a red light, and had been so for at least 2 minutes (traffic was horrible). I'm just chillin', listening to my radio. SLAM! The car behind me slammed into me... Ok, it wasn't really a big SLAM! ... It was more like slam. I did get quite a jolt though. So we pulled off the side of the road. I was all shook up. This was the first accident I've ever had.

We got out of our cars to survey the damage... There's not a dent, not even a scratch, on the cars. Everything seems fine. We exchanged insurance info. She asked if I could not report it, but she also said she'd understand if I did. I told her I needed to take a closer look later. There might be internal damage. She then gave me her phone number and asked if I could call her when I make a decision.

So what do you think I should do?


At 9:08 AM, December 09, 2005, Blogger Tom said...

No question on this one dude. Report it and file a report with the police. My wife was in a car accident a couple years ago and is now suffering pain due to the accident 2 years later. Or, you might start to have problems with your car 6 months from now and it could be related to the accident. On the other hand, they will ask you why you didn't call the police in the first place. Obviously it wasn't a serious accident, but its something to think about. Glad you are ok!!!


At 9:30 AM, December 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so NOT pleased that you got out of work today. We were suppose to have this HUGE ice storm and it turned into just a bunch of yucky rain. We we had to get our behinds out of bed and start the day. I want to sleep until noon.
Hum, about the accident. If you aren't feeling stiff today, then you probably didn't suffer any physical damage. And your car looks fine, and drive fine, chances are it didn't suffer any damage either. I would say there probably isn't anything to report anyway.
Merry Christmas,

At 1:23 AM, December 10, 2005, Blogger Raj said...

If there's no harm done then you should let it go but you might wanna get it checked by a mechanic before you make the decision.

At 1:23 PM, December 10, 2005, Blogger 'liya said...

I wouldn't report it if there was no damage done.. after my accident I couldn't afford to drive anymore because my insurance was so high and that was 3 years ago so yeah she probably thinks the same. It WILL go up alot.. but then your own safety and your car is more important too.

At 10:16 PM, December 10, 2005, Blogger B* said...

I'd been trying to back out quickly at the entrance of a hosp when an ambulance needed to make its way through that I accidentally backed into another car behind me. There wasn't a scratch on her car or mine and she was really cool about the whole thing. Needless to say I was relieved.....No use reporting it if there was no damage done.
Similarly in a parking lot, a lady had backed into my car and I let it go.
Just make sure that you're not hurt!
Otherwise think of it as good karma that may come back your way if the situation was reversed.

At 11:54 PM, December 10, 2005, Blogger 'liya said...

Well Clairissa I think it's called an "accident" for a reason :) I don't think she intended to bump into anyone..

Maybe you could tell from looking at her (or her car) whether she asked you because it was going to be a financial prob for her or something else?

At 12:08 AM, December 11, 2005, Blogger Abigail S. said...

It was an older lady... late 50's. It was her birthday! I felt bad for her. She was a really nice, sweet lady.

There was no damage to my car, and I feel fine, so I'm not reporting it.

Look at it this way: What would I want to happen if the roles were reversed? If I hit her, I wouldn't want it reported, especially since there was no damage. It was just a tiny accident.

At 3:19 PM, December 11, 2005, Blogger lorena said...

the tricky thing is you may feel the reprocussions later and if you didn't report in within 24 hours you're screwed and on your own if you should notice something damage-related to the SLAM down the line,'s a gamble.

I didn't report the last person who hit me even though there was minor cosmetic damage to my car, because the mechanic giving me an estimate said my insurance would just go up on top of having to pay the deductible. It was a hit and run on a jammed freeway from a road raging bastard and luckily there were witnesses everywhere and someone wrote down his plates so I filed a police report instead and that was much more fulfilling for some reason.

At 6:27 PM, December 11, 2005, Blogger FU said...

if she drives a nice car and seemed loaded, say u have whiplash and sue her.


At 7:59 PM, December 11, 2005, Blogger Rex Venom said...

Do you have any Hedritythydie? If so, screw the car and build a quick and dirty quantum re-amatrinatroniss.
If not, well, shit. I don’t know.
Rock on!

At 8:15 PM, December 12, 2005, Blogger Lindsey said...

It should be reported b/c shit ends up popping up least you've covered your bases. I had this happen to me before so trust me on this one.


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