Tuesday, May 02, 2006

what would you do??? [get up off my feet and stop making tired excuses...]

Okay, so awhile back i saw a little segment on TV news testing the whole "good samaritan" principle. Trying to see if people would help a victim. This time, a child.

On a really busy street in NY, a man was kidnapping a 12 year old girl. He'd walk up to her and say: "where have you been? i've been looking everywhere for you!" [pretending to be her dad, mad that she ran away.] He grabbed her arm and started dragging her away. She was screaming out: "leave me alone! leave me alone! you're not my dad!"

And, did people stop? Did anyone even call 911???
What would you have done?

They went thru this time after time. For over 2 hours. And NO ONE intervened. I couldnt believe it. Finally, two guys did come to the rescue; it was kinda comical-- b/c they were gonna beat the crap out of the guy; he quickly let go of the girl, but his hands in the air, and shouted out to them: "TV! this is for tv. The cop is right over there!" [b/c the whole thing was being very supervised.]

It made me so sad, and so MAD! this is a child's life at stake. A defenseless child. And no one helped.

What would you have done?
Will thinking about this now change what you may do in a future situation?


At 10:44 AM, May 02, 2006, Blogger Becky L said...

i'll tell you what i'd do...

First, it depends if i have erica with me or not.
-If she's with me, i'd look for closest man and TELL HIM to do something about it; then i'd call 911.
-If she wasnt with me, i'd either look for the closest man or approach myself. It really depends on what the guy looks like.

its hard being a female in situations like this. Cuz i'm definitely not as strong or threatening as another man would be in approaching the kidnapper.

At 11:54 AM, May 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I don't think those people actually thought the girl was in danger, although in big cities people do tend to get desensited to danger and assume someone else will do something about it. That is why there are good Samaritan laws.
I think that's a good trick, and know how annoyed parents would be if someone tried to intervene. A lot of kids try to pull that because they're smart and it's kind of like the boy who cried wolf. But it's better to be safe than sorry.

At 1:18 PM, May 03, 2006, Blogger Becky L said...

yes... some kids are brats and like to cause a seen for their parents...

but its still worth checking out, in case it is the real thing

At 11:34 PM, May 03, 2006, Blogger Crazy Me said...

I wouldn't hesitate to jump right in and cause a scene. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't.

At 9:43 AM, May 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Michaela; the tone of a child's voice and the sheer terror should alert a person that something wrong is going on. Yes, kids play wolf, but as one who works with kids, their is usually a difference between their "wolf" cries and when the are really in a situation.

At 12:13 PM, May 07, 2006, Blogger 'liya said...

You're right, this is similar to my sister's situation.. only she's 10 years older than the child.


I would call for help. What are cell phones for..


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