Standardized Crap
Well, all this week, I've been torturing my students. Mwa-ha-ha!
OK, so it's against my will. I have to torture them. Sad, but true. How, do you ask, am I torturing them? The answer is simple:
Every grade in my class has to take them. Yip, my poor Kindergarten kids have to suffer through the SAT's. Every day this week, we do about one hour of testing in the morning. I try to break it up, with a snack/stretch break inbetween parts.
I feel bad for these poor kids. Heck, I feel bad for me! It's so boring... Yet at the same time, I don't have to prepare any lessons! After the tests, we mainly just play the rest of the day. Poor kids!
The test is so mean. It really tries to trick these kids. It makes me so mad! They're only six! Stop trying to mess them up! Grrr! Poor, poor kids.
So, what do you think I should do to make it up to them? ... A party? ... Movie? ... Cheat sheet? (totally JUST kidding!)
a movie sounds good.. but then party sounds good to mayb a movie and a party yipeeee!! :D
Let them vote
Aww I don't think we test kindergartners here in Canada!
A movie + party :D
I ended up giving them a movie in the morning (Of course, it was educational... A Magic Schoolbus movie about outerspace)
Then in the afternoon, we had extra playtime outside.
It was cool.
I don't remember taking those tests so young! Wow!!!
tests so young is just crazy.
schools are putting too much pressure on kindergartners. and i know its not you-- its the "system."
standardized tests are just crazy for kids that young
Do you "cane" them too, like we do in Canada? Just kidding! My girl is in K, and she'd probably love being in your class (but Mrs. Morgan is pretty great in here eyes at the moment, too!).
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