Friday, March 17, 2006

blogger errors

so, i made a nice new post for my adventuresofmommyhood blog. when i finished typing it, i went to view my blog... and it wont show up. so i started my pursuit for answers...

apparently lots of people have been expieriencing this. i checked out and apparently my blog is on the "bad filer." anyone else experiencing this problem??

i hope they get it up and running soon so that you can read about my chopped off finger (which is making it very hard to type right now)


At 8:14 AM, March 18, 2006, Blogger Becky L said...

apparently its all better now

At 11:00 AM, March 18, 2006, Blogger 'liya said...

I had a similar problem with mine all week, kept saying "forbidden" and wouldn't let me access it.

I didn't think I had written about anything that bad :D

At 6:58 PM, March 19, 2006, Blogger Abigail S. said...

That was happening to me for a while, too.

At 1:08 AM, March 20, 2006, Blogger Akanksha said...

i was unable to access sm blogs also :o(

and awww fr ur lil finger booboo


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