Tuesday, October 25, 2005

De-crooking the Crooked Crook

True Story
(Although it's not mine)

We have a movie bandit in our house. We have an account with Netflix and
when we are done with the film we typically leave it down at our mailbox for the
mailman to pick it up. Lately I noticed it has taken up to a week or more for
netflix to receive our returned movies, as opposed to the usual day or two at
most that it used to take. One DVD was never returned at all.
Yesterday Hubby placed the netflix envelope on the ledge above our mailbox
as usual, and when I left the house an hour later it was gone, and I knew for a
fact that the mailman hadn't even arrived yet. And what do you know that same
envelope reappeared later that evening and the seal had been opened.

What would you do in this situation? After a few answers, maybe Lorena can tell us what she did.

And yes, I have been stealing scenarios from other bloggers. I can't come up with ALL original ideas everyday! Sometimes I need to cheat a little!


At 6:39 PM, October 25, 2005, Blogger The Shrub said...

Sounds as if a call to your local postmaster is in order. The removal of mail from your box is an federal offense.

At 1:21 AM, October 26, 2005, Blogger Raj said...

I agree with Clairissa (well, not completely). You should do a stake out or get a small camera to catch the thief redhanded.

At 2:30 AM, October 26, 2005, Blogger Dairn said...

Wow, Clairissa is full of good ideas today! LOL


At 10:02 AM, October 26, 2005, Blogger Becky L said...

put some kind of nasty-nasty in the package instead, and watch as the thief opens it up and gags


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