Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Playing Dress-Up

Plain and simple question for today-- What do you want to be for Halloween.

Regardless of whether you "do" halloween or not. Maybe you think its "evil," stupid, or you just dont participate...

What would you dress up as for a night? The SKY'S THE LIMIT! (well... almost.)

Think, think, think...

As for me, i would want to be the Chiquita Banana girl. I'd get to wear a cool blue dress with golden trim. Big hoop earrings. And a basket of fruit on my head! How cool is that?!?!?!


At 9:42 PM, October 19, 2005, Blogger Abigail S. said...

That's a toughy... So many options!

Hmmm... a rich noble during the Renaissance period... you know, with those beautiful gowns that are really poofy. And they make your bosoms look larger than they really are... yeah, in one of those dresses.

Either that or the thimble from Monopoly.

At 9:03 PM, October 20, 2005, Blogger lorena said...

seeing as I am civil war obsessed, I would love my Hubby and I to go as confederate and union soldiers.

otherwise I'll be a flapper like every other year since I was a kid.


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