Friday, September 30, 2005

Let it Snow!

Let's travel back in time to the good old days of high school! Ah, the memories.... Ok, enough of that.

Wednesday night, the weather man announces that there will be a HUGE snow storm that night. There can be up to 2 feet of snow. So, you decide to skip writing your 10 page research paper (which should have been started last week) and stay up all night watching the "Scream" trilogy.

Out of habit, you wake up at 6:30. It's still dark outside. You creep to the window to look out because you always love the way the moonlight reflects off of newly fallen snow....


There is not a flake of snow on the ground! Oh, boy, are you in trouble!

So what do you do?

  1. Lock the bedroom door, pull the sheets over your head, and ignore your mom when she starts pounding on the door.
  2. Kneel on the floor by the bed, and pray that God will send a huge storm that will drop 4 feet of snow in the next 10 minutes!
  3. Go to school, and tell your teacher your dog ate your research paper.
  4. Run away.
  5. Create your own combo meal.


At 8:31 PM, September 30, 2005, Blogger Dairn said...

Pull a Ferris Bueller. Lick your palms to make them sweaty, mess up your hair, put on an awful face, groan and complain about your stomach. Works every time.

At 11:01 PM, September 30, 2005, Blogger Abigail S. said...

I would probably choose the first option. I tend to hide from my problems!

At 7:59 AM, October 01, 2005, Blogger Lindsey said...

That is awesome! That totally happened to me once. I just faked being sick and my mom let me stay home. I did the homework that day and took it in w/ a note from my mom saying I'd been deathly ill.

At 3:45 PM, October 01, 2005, Blogger Abigail S. said...

Hey e...
What's your blog addy? I can't get there by clicking on your name.

The only thing about calling in sick is... well, it's so obvious! Your teacher would know you were faking it!

At 4:28 PM, October 01, 2005, Blogger Agnes said...

Abigail, I ALWAYS used the "my stomach hurts" option. That got me out of school so much it was insane. Of course, after a while the docs will want to do an upper GI and you get to drink a little barium...but really, it was better than that paper. LOL


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